IT Love Life


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Before I try to shoot myself in the foot . . .

I just wish I have the ability of Hiro Nakamura and see what's in it for me if I decided to jump over that friggin grey area of ethics. Ethics? haha i just don't know what word should I use. Anyway, it's really hard to know if options placed in grey areas are mistakes if we didn't even try to do it.

Maybe... mistakes are meant to be done, so in the future you could look at that "thing" as a mistake and learn from it. haha! *confused* But yeah.. If you didn't do it at all, you will not learn that it was a mistake.. and maybe.. you will just eventually do it later in your life.

The hell, cross that Hiro Nakamura thing. Maybe, if i will not allow myself to do something because I'm afraid that it will be wrong, the butterfly effect of not doing it will just alter the situation and maybe it'll just be worse than what it should have been. haha.

But hey, I'd love to see myself in the future, dealing with the thing I did, wrong or right, and eventually share it with my future children. haha. yeah! hahaha!

Or just by having this second thought, have I already shot myself in the foot? Ouch.


It was a very normal day... And it was time for me to go someplace else. As I entered the plane, I was looking for a vacant seat since it was free seating. But I was not able to find a row where in all the seats were vacant. So the first thing I did was look for the row closest to me that only had one person seated. Fortunately, I was able to find one where in only one person is seated at the part beside the window. Then I sat at the other end of the row, leaving a seat between me and the person at beside the window. It did not want to sleep during the flight since it was just a one hour trip.

When the plane took off, the person sharing the same row with me turned out to be a very beautiful girl. Her skin was white and eyes were very brown in color. Then she looked at me and offered chewing gum. I was mesmerized by her looks that why I got the chewing gum she offered and said thanks. Then we just talked about the places where we came from and the places where we intend to go. Then later, she said… “look! It’s snowing!” so I looked out the window. It really was snowing! The glass had tiny bits of snowflakes. Then I said .. “it’s so beautiful..” Then we looked at each other and smiled… Even though I can’t see her face since she was looking out the window, I was partly looking at her. She really is beautiful! How I wish I had a girl who looked like this.

Then we were about to reach our destination. I just kept quiet and though about all the good things that has happened to me the whole week. And I added what just happened to that list.. When the plane landed, I was not able to talk to her since I was busy getting my things. But fortunately, I got a chance to see her in the place where our baggage should be claimed. Then she said “Nice knowing you even if it was just a short time”.. Then I also thanked her. This was the first and last time I saw her...


There are life situations that require us to choose and for all cases, it is between what is right, and what is wrong. Choosing the right one is what everyone expects us to do. However, not choosing the wrong thing will not automatically imply choosing the right thing and for most cases, we still choose the wrong thing by not choosing the right thing.

Being right is the best and at the same time hardest choice. It means hitting it straight in the bull’s-eye, not near, not almost, but exactly in the middle, nothing more, nothing less.

Nonetheless, what if none of the options you have is right? How would you exactly know that by not choosing actually means doing the right thing?

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Me and my friend were walking up the stairs to our next class when all of a sudden "someone" passed between us. Then out of the blue I told my friend. "friend" ang ganda pala ni "someone" noh. I did not know why I uttered those words, all I can say is that I meant every word that I said back then until now.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Appear Offline

You are the cream of the crop and I am not.

Everytime I see our picture on the window sill, I can't help but wonder, what happened to you all these years. Maybe you are busy pursuing your academic goals or busy finishing that paper off for your next class. It has been years since I last heard from you.

I don't know, but it delights me whenever a glass window pops out from the middle of nowhere with you asking how am I or what I have been doing unexpectedly. It made my day when you left a comment on that social networking profile when I didn't expect it especially on my birthday when I am thinking all the troubles I will have to face in life. I know you're busy working on your academic requirements, but it delighted me when we chatted for hours exchanging stories and insights with me making sure that every sentence that I entered is gramatically correct.

I feel sad that I have made my decision when we are about to cross paths, I didn't know, I am surprised when you told me. But anyways, I'll let you feel that I would do anything for you.

But wait, we are not that close then and we're worlds apart. You are the cream of the crop and I am not. Though I am looking forward to the day where I can ask you for dinner and take everything offline.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


It’s a while since there was a last post here in IT LOVELIFE. I was just wondering what I as an ITLOVELIFE member can write here in our love showered website. Without further ado, I shall ask my readers to what they think.

Is it possible to have internal feelings for a special friend that you have known for quite a long span of time?

This friend is a friend that you have known and became acquainted to the extent that you are close with each other. This friend is also somewhat like a mentor, bestfriend and/or confidant to you.

In addition, you also try to limit yourself on just being friends for some reasons. One of which is to retain your friendship to one another but still you are feeling an attachment to this person.

Then finally, is liking a certain somebody easy in our lives? To the degree that you like a certain somebody because either you like the person or you just feel attached to that certain individual.