IT Love Life


Monday, December 18, 2006


ei... it's been a while... la ako magawa eh... so i will continue my story nalang...

so we didn't talk for a while... as in nothing... and i was still left in the dark... then one night my sister introduced me to the yahoo messenger... i know i should know how to use one but i never did because someone beat me to my username... i just used an extra yahoo account of my kuya... then i had no one to add... then thanks to my good memory i remembered her email adress... i was so lucky brcause at the same time she was online too... she immediately added me and asked who i was... i introduced myself and greeted her... she had nowhere to go... i had her cornered... so i asked her why she acted like i didn't exist...

she told me that she heard something about me... then she asked me if there was anything that i said about the two of us... i was so nervous... i thought that maybe she found out that i fell for her... how scary... well... i didn't have a choice so i told her that i like her... and i asked if that's what she heard... there was a smiley that came next... and unfortunately that wasn't what she heard... how embarassing...

she then explained that someone told her that i told someone that we had a dinner date and we were close to being in a relationship... i was shocked... no... i was infuriated... i wanted to grab that person's head and smash it into a wall...

i then explained to her that i know nothing about the rumors... i also told her that the dinner date may be explained by me inviting her to the dinner party at my house... but i couldn't explain the other rumor... someone must have really hated me... and that someone will pay...

after a couple of days i found out whom the rumor originated from... he was a classmate of mine in biology... i confronted him on our next class... pero i punched the door very hard to get his attention... he denied it of course... but i was ready to kick some ass... but then she called... she begged for me to stop...

i didn't have a choice... i stopped... i don't actually know why... but there was something about her voice that calms me down...

every night we would meet chat using our yahoo messengers... and everything started to change...


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