IT Love Life


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Not giving 100%

Hmm... I just wanna say that if you don't give 100% it may mean that you're not sincere with her... so... you wanna give like 99% eh? just think about it... that 1% that you held back may be the difference between a lovely "yes" happy ending and "oh... you deserve someone better... ure just a friend to me nothing more nothing more nothing less..." and of course if you're gonna get busted in the end... at least you'll have no regrets such as "oh... if i was just..." or "she could've given me the yes if i had shown more effort"... of course it would be disappointing if you'd get busted although you've given her everything... but the girl that you love deserves ALL the love you can give! She deserves everyting you've got... why? because love is selfless and not selfish... what you should be thinking at the end of the day is have i done my part? have i given her the love she deserves? c'mon! if you were busted... take it like a man! u will be sad at first but eventually you're gonna stand tall and face the world... because failing is a part of it... i hope i made some sense


Monday, November 13, 2006

that idiot...

I am the same person who wrote the previous post and i'm here again for more insights... instead of doing my friggin film thing, i decided to this... oh the joy...

Moving on... let's go to the business at hand w/c is lovelife because this blog is after all dedicated to the lovlife of it students... forgive me if i do reiterate some of the arguments in the previous post...

there he is... that idiot... sitting... thoughts in his mind wondering foolishly... then a girl showed up from nowhere... electric impulses rushed through out his entire body... butterflies flap furiously in his stomach... that feeling of elevation suddenly hit him... ecstatic happiness overwhelms him... the idiot is in love

guys usually fall for reasons beyond their understanding... it's really hard to explain why guys would fall to a girl in the first place... he'll just know deep inside his heart that he is already falling... so the next thing he does is think and consider the possibilities, however wonderful and unpromising it may be... after days of endlessly wondering and pondering... days of daydreaming and drooling at his classes... days of skipping meals... he makes a bold decision... to pursue the unexpected...

he courts her... gives her his time... his loyalty... his heart... his everything... everything he has dedicated for her... though he is unsure... he is ready to be hurt... although he is naturally shy... he does things that would embarass him for the sake of impressing the girl he loves... he's ready to jump without the parachute... he's so bold that insanity caused by love overpowers his mind... such courage and passion... but so naive...

in the end... he was rejected... his everything was not enough... the idiot... tired and weary... he gathers the pieces of his heart and tries to put the broken pieces together in vain... but he does not regret his decisions... because he is a man though an idiot... he's a man because he gave his everything... he's a man because he accepted the things he couldn't change... he's a man becaused he believed he can fly...

he must wait again to fall...

i failed to give some sort of an identification the last time i posted... God... i have no clue on what alias would suit me... ok... my codename would be sag38... duh... ok... the description that suits me is that i usually fall for girls that is somehow connected to bdminton... i really cant explian why... im not a love philosopher though... i'm just sharing my thoughts... i would like some comments although that is optimistic to the point of foolishness... kidding


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

giving... not expecting

I have been doing some thinking and i believe and held on to an argument that love's main purpose is to give your love, your care, your time, your heart, your everything. Love's main purpose is NOT to expect something in return like being loved back... Another way to understand this concept is that you love a person although there is little hope that she may love you back... Yes... It/I may seem foolish, preposterous and unfair, it may seem a waste of time... No! Giving is not a waste of time... Giving all you've got is not waste of time... That's what love is all about for me... Giving all you've got although you may branded as an idiot or a fool... You won't care because she is the only thing on your mind... No matter how many times you try to get rid of the daydreaming, she wiall still be part of your life... If you love her and court her, you may not be rewarded by the love of the one you love, but the fact that you made someone lspecial to you is rewarding enough (for me)... and who knows? the unthinkable might happen... she may actually love you... for me it's just a bonus...

I think the worst sin of a guy who is in love with a girl is not letting the girl know that he is in love with the girl... Did i say a guy? i mean a SISSY... it sounds harsh but i hate those who won't find the courage to let it all out... Loving is all about making the leap in a cliff without the parachute... It's about believing wishing you can fly because of her... It's not caring whether you'll fall... because the experience... is rewarding enough

yes... some of you may disagree because we all have different concepts